Adding a Wheelchair Ramp to Your Home

Spring is here, which means it’s time for home renovations and repairs. For the wheelchair users, this can mean adding or repairing all sorts of accessibility options around their homes.

Choosing the right wheelchair ramp is one of the most important home renovations families with wheelchair users can make. Finding and installing the right ramp can mean more independence, better safety and an increase in the quality of life for wheelchair users.

Choosing the Right Ramp

Getting in and out of any of our handicap vans for sale is easy because every model we sell comes equipped with a ramp or lift. But the same can’t be said about entering and exiting your home. So, if you’re looking for a better transition from your car to your home, take the following ramp aspects into consideration:

Choosing Your Material

Home wheelchair ramps can be built using many materials, but wood and metal are two of the most common. Both come with their pros and cons, and the choice is left up to personal preference.

Metal ramps are the more maintenance-free option, and are generally less expensive than wood. They come in pieces, meaning that the ramp can be configured to your specific needs. The downside to these ramps is that they are susceptible to dents if struck hard enough.

Wood ramps are permanent structures that can cost more than metal ramps, but they blend in much more with the house. Wood is high maintenance, but doesn’t dent as easily. They can also be painted or stained different colors, making them a more stylish addition to your home.

Portable Options

There are portable ramps that can be purchased for a very affordable price. These a good options for budget-conscious families or those who live with a person making the adjustment to using a wheelchair. They are also a good option to have in the interim while you wait for a permanent ramp to be constructed.

Deciding on Ramp Length

The length of the ramp is directly related to the degree of incline. Those who use power wheelchair can have shorter ramps with steeper inclines because they do not have to manually propel themselves up and down the ramp.

If you use a manual wheelchair, you should look at a longer ramp with a smaller incline. These are more easier to travel up. They also present a smaller risk when travelling down an incline that isn’t as steep.

Do you have any tips for people who are looking to add a wheelchair ramp to their house? What kind of wheelchair ramp do you currently use? Join the conversation by commenting below!

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