Single User Electric Cars

Are electric vehicles really better?

There’s probably no right or wrong answer to that question. But, in recent years it seems that more and more people have been talking about making the switch to electric vehicles. And, now it seems one vehicle manufacturer is trying to make electric cars an option for a wheelchair user’s handicap vehicle, as well.

The Kenguru

In a project that never fully got off the ground in 2008, Istvan Kissaroslaki of Hungary created an electric vehicle designed specifically for wheelchair users.

The vehicle seats one and is designed so wheelchair users roll their wheelchair in through the pop-up backdoor. They use motorcycle-like handlebars to steer and are able to go approximately 60 miles on an eight-hour charge.

This vehicle also only has a maximum speed of a mere 25 miles per hour. So, it’s really just a means for wheelchair users to run errands around town.

The Traditional Route

While the single user electric wheelchair vehicle does seem like an enticing option, does it really allow you to do everything you need to do?

Some of the downsides to this vehicle include the lack of cargo space for items like adaptive sports equipment or even groceries and the lack of seating for family members. A traditional wheelchair van gives you seating for 5-8 people and enough cargo space to haul around your everyday needs.

Another downside to the single user electric car is that the designers haven’t yet implemented hand controls for persons without the upper body strength required to use their handlebar-like steering column. So, this limits the number of people who could take advantage of this technology.

What do you think of this electric single user wheelchair vehicle? Which wheelchair accessible vehicle would better suit your needs: the Kenguru or a traditional van? Let us know in the comments section below!


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